Sur la génération de la classe MSD-Ѱ de provirus VIH défectueux.

Sur la génération de la classe MSD-Ѱ de provirus VIH défectueux.

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) can effectively suppress continued HIV replication and block disease progression, but the infection is never cured due to the persistence of a small pool of latently infected cells harboring proviruses. Integrated HIV capable of replicating itself. However, the vast majority of HIV proviruses in ART-treated patients are incompetent for replication due to … Lire la suite

Évaluation de l’ELISA direct en sandwich à base d’anticorps monoclonaux (MSD-ELISA) pour la détection d’antigène du virus de la fièvre aphteuse à l’aide d’échantillons cliniques.

Évaluation de l'ELISA direct en sandwich à base d'anticorps monoclonaux (MSD-ELISA) pour la détection d'antigène du virus de la fièvre aphteuse à l'aide d'échantillons cliniques.

A direct sandwich ELISA (MSD-ELISA) method based on monoclonal antibodies has previously been developed for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viral antigen. Here, we assessed the sensitivity and specificity of two foot-and-mouth disease viral antigen detection MSD-ELISAs and compared them with the conventional indirect sandwich (IS) -ELISA. MSD-ELISA were able to detect antigen in … Lire la suite

Collecte de données sur la sclérose en plaques: l’approche MSDS

Collecte de données sur la sclérose en plaques: l'approche MSDS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that affects patients for decades. As the monitoring and treatment of MS becomes more personalized and complex, the individual assessment and collection of different parameters ranging from clinical evaluations to laboratory and imaging data to patient-reported data becomes more and more … Lire la suite